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Dice Links & More

You can find allsorts of links, resources and miscellaneous dice stuff here.  Get clicking and explore the wonderful world of dice on the World Wide Web.


If you want to buy dice to play games with or to collect then see...
Dice Retailers and Manufacturers Links

Take a look at some personal collections of dice...
Dice Collections

If you play Role Playing or Collectable Dice Games then see...
CDGs and RPGs Links

If you play Craps then take a look at...
Craps Links

Groups and sites for dice collectors/players...


Google Group - Dice Games  

TMP Dice Message Board  Lots of discussion about dice.  Post a message.

Yahoo Casino Dice Group 

Cosmic Wimpout is a commercial version of the old game of Ten Thousand and you can find rules, merchandise and information on their site.

Dice Drinking Games

Random Number Generators

Hot Bits Random Numbers A site that generates random numbers by radioactivity.

Random.org A site dedicated to random number generation using atmospherics.

For your pleasure and information - Dice Quotations.

Dice Art

Some dice inspired art for you to appreciate and admire.  Dice have inspired many artists to try and capture their random, fate defining dynamic.  Take a look and click on the images.





Dice Computer Simulation Games

www.download.com has loads of computer dice simulation games to download from the internet and play for FREE.  Just type "dice games" in the top search box.

http://www.online-dice-games.com/ Play some Java dice games online.

Yummy-Dice Play Yatzy online (free) and win prizes.

Play Pig  Find everything on the dice game Pig.

Play Online At Game Colony Play Dominoes and other games online against live opponents for FREE or for cash at the Game Colony website.  They also offer a range of other skill games, including Backgammon and Chess. Play Block, Draw, and Five-Up dominoes against live opponents from around the world and in tournaments if you want.  Play for cash or just for fun with an instant chat feature and no downloads.

https://www.freethedice.com/ Online Yahtzee community where you can play and hangout.

Dice Apps For a list of top Android app dice games. 





Some links that are just worthy and have NO relation to dice and Craps whatsoever.  Worthy Links


If you'd like dice-play to add a link, (or report a dead one), then e-mail.








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