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Dice Collections - Links

Here are some links to personal dice collections found on the World Wide Web.  Take a look at some of the vast range of dice that can be found. 


Arjan Verwiej's excellent personal site.  Dice from around the world and of different materials including some ancient examples.

Geulio Ferrari's Dice Collection

Dice Book and Museum Tour Yes, a museum about dice in Holland.

Kevin Cooks Dice Thousands of dice of different materials, uses, themes, etc.

Carmella's Dice Some very interesting dice and dice objects.

Lucy's Dice A nice collection.

Heidi's Dice Collection Dice divided into categories; colours, manufacturer, etc.

Dice Collection

Poker Dice A nice collection of poker dice.

Joe's Dice A personal collection of dice.

Ingo Immer German dice collector's site.

Jennifer's Dice collection. 

My Dice Allsorts, including polyhedral and giant.

MazeGuy Dice A good collection of dice and some dominoes.    

Faroul German dice collector.     

Wild Magic Dice CDG dice and more from a German collector.

http://www.lord-of-the-dice.de/ German dice collector.

DJs Dice Collection Earing dice, fuzzy dice, and more.  

Dice Gallery A collection of dice.



If you're interested in dice and would like to collect them, then try reading dice collecting for tips and ideas.  And if you have a link to add, e-mail dice-play.









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