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Dice Hold'em

A dice version of the popular playing-card gambling game of Texas Hold'em Poker.  This game can be played by just two to as many as six players.  Stakes or chips, two dice and a throwing cup per player, and an extra five dice are needed to play.  It can be played with a special set of five poker dice, each has the playing cards Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10 and 9 printed on its six faces, but it can just as easily be played with a set of five standard dice by simply playing 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 ,1 corresponding to A, K, Q, J, 10, 9.


The idea of the game is to form the best possible poker hand from two dice and any of five communal dice.  Poker hands rank as below.

Players start a round by rolling their two dice and keeping them concealed from all the other players.  Then an initial round of betting starts with players raising or dropping out of the round depending on how they judge their chances with their two dice.  Of course, players may bluff.  Once the initial betting is finished, five communal dice are rolled and the values revealed to all players.  Another round of betting is then made with players raising, dropping out, and then calling.  Players then reveal their dice.  The player with the highest ranked Poker hand using their own two personal dice and any three of the communal dice, wins the game and collects the pot.

Poker hands, ranked high to low.

1 Five -of-a-Kind                                               Aces ranking highest; 9s lowest.
2 Four-of-a-Kind                                               Aces ranking highest; 9s lowest.
3 Full House      Three-of-a-kind and a pair.  A, A, A, 9, 9 beats K, K, K, 10, 10.
4 Straight           Five consecutive values.     A, K, Q, J, 10 beats K, Q, J, 10, 9.
5 Three-of-a-Kind                                             Aces ranking highest; 9s lowest.
6 Two Pairs                                                      A, A, 10, 10, 9 beats K, K, Q, Q, 10
7 One Pair                                                        Aces ranking highest; 9s lowest.
8 Highest Die Ranking according to highest backers.    A, K, J, 10, 9 beats A, Q, J, 10, 9.



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